Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Omid, a memorial in defense of human rights in Iran
One Person’s Story

Fatemeh Rokhbin


Age: 15
Nationality: Iran
Religion: Islam
Civil Status: Single


Date of Killing: October 13, 1981
Location of Killing: Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan Province, Iran
Mode of Killing: Shooting
Charges: Unspecified offense; Prostitution and/or procuring; Possession of arms; Participating in an anti-regime demonstration; Membership of anti-regime guerilla group; Living in safe houses; Attempt to assassinate or assassination of state dignitaries; Armed rebellion against the Islamic Republic
Age at time of alleged offense: 15

About this Case

The information about Ms. Fatemeh Rokhbin, daughter of Hossein, was sent to Omid through an electronic form by a friend of hers. The Islamic Revolutionary Prosecution Office announced her execution in a statement, published in the Kayhan newspaper on October, 14, 1981. She is also one of the 12,028 individuals listed in an addendum to the Mojahed magazine (No. 261), published by Mojahedin Khalq Organization in 1985. The list includes individuals, affiliated with various opposition groups, who were executed or killed during clashes with the Islamic Republic security forces from June 1981 to the publication date of the magazine.

Ms. Rohkbin was born in Bandar Abbas into a Muslim middle-class family in 1966. She was a student at 17-Shahrivar High School in Bandar Abbas. She got engaged about one month prior to her arrest.

The statement of the Islamic Revolutionary Prosecution Office begins with this verse of the Quran, “And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression” (II: 193). “The ever-present Muslim nation is determined and resolute to fight the satanic armies of polytheists and hypocrites, and vows to not settle until all that the devil manifests –through superpowers and powers that destroy the world – is annihilated. With this aim, the Muslim nation will send the agents of the superpowers and the inhuman mercenary mini-groups into the trash can of history. To carry out this divine duty, the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Bandar Abbas has condemned 13 agents of world-destroying America and of the Hypocrites (which are both on their way to extinction)… to execution.”

(“Hypocrites” is a term used by officials of the Islamic Republic to refer to the Mojahedin Khalq Organization.)

Arrest and detention

Ms. Rohkbin was arrested along with her fiancé at a rally to protest the mass execution of 70 individuals in Bandar Abbas. The executed were buried in mass graves and the land was ploughed several times. From the time of arrest to execution, she was in detention for only a few days (electronic form). No other details are known about her arrest and detention.


The newspaper report refers to the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Bandar Abbas.


Ms. Rokhbin and 12 others were collectively charged with: “membership in terrorist teams; armed rebellion against the rule of God; planning and participation in anti-people demonstrations and confrontations, which led to the martyrdom of several individuals; participation in numerous robberies ( automobile theft and bank robberies); being active in safe houses, dens of corruption and prostitution rings in Tehran, Karaj, and Bandar Abbas; importing weapons to Bandar Abbas; possession of G3, Uzi, and Colt weapons as well as large quantities of bullets and grenades; collecting funds for the terrorist mini-groups of the Hypocrites; identifying members of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, Basij, police, and Hezbollah individuals in order to assassinate them; being responsible for all the assassinations in Bandar Abbas; attacking and disarming members of the police in Bandar Abbas; arson of houses and stores; forging state documents and birth certificates using fake names.”

The validity of the criminal charges brought against this defendant cannot be ascertained in the absence of the basic guarantees of a fair trial.

Evidence of guilt

The report of this execution does not contain information regarding the evidence provided against the defendant.


No information is available on Ms. Rokhbin’s defense. Based on the information available, Ms. Rokhbin was not affiliated with any political organization and she only participated in a protest against the mass executions.


The Islamic Revolutionary Court of Bandar Abbas recognized Ms. Rokhbin and 12 other individuals as “corruptors on earth, at war with God and his Prophet; and as rebels.” The court condemned them to death. They were shot by firing squad on October 13, 1981 in Bandar Abbas. She was 15 years old.

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